Tag Archives: frustrated


We are done. Again. Nothing new.

We got back together last night. I AM right. I KNOW im right. And i WILL tell him that he is WRONG.

Its his REASONS I have so much trouble with accepting.

He is SCARED. (And bellatrix if he comes asking about me again. Feel free to point that out to him. It will probably shock him and thats what im going for.)

He is scared of growing up. He is scared of getting hurt. He is scared of not being able to contol the situation.. We are going to different schools. He wants to end now because he is scared he “Will fall into a depression and not be able to make it to class.” He is hardening his heart to me on purpose. Once he is with me, he falls right back in to place. Thats why he does it all over text. So he doesnt have to see me. So he won’t change his mind.. And the sad thing is he admitted it..

My heart doesnt miss him.. It aches because I know he is only hurting himself in the long run..

Im sure there is a small part of him that wants to be single. But it is largely because he is scared..

Scared of being replaced..

He can’t even let go enough to make the right decisions for himself.. I have made mine. But he keeps saying he is trying to go to the same school as me.. And its not in his best interests, even i will agree with that. But its NOT that hard to figure it out that he doesnt HAVE to do that. He is making it hard on himself on purpose..

He is a stupid, scared, hard headed little boy and it infuriates me that he doesnt see how HE IS WRONG.


The ending now, and the ending then are so much different… It would be easier for both of us..


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